Approved Information:5.1.1: Build a Complete Streets Team (5 points), on-going 20205.1.2: City Official or Staff Member participate in Complete Streets Training (5 points), on-going 20205.1.5: Bicycle Friendly Community Designation (10 points), latest award fall 20195.1.6: Implementation Projects (60 points Max), on-going 2020
a pdf image to pdf 5.1.6 .full.rar
Introducing Higher quality images switch in Settings for PDF files. If you updated to iOS 4.2, you could have noticed a degraded quality of scanned images in PDF files. This is due to a new way of iOS handling PDF images. "Higher quality images" switch is there to bring the original scans quality back. However, it impacts rendering performance noticeably. So try this switch to see which option suits your needs better. Other new features: 2ff7e9595c